The fact is China's GDP is more than the other 4 combined, so it won't matter whether you indians like it or not, China's currency will be dominant, you don't have the power. mouth watering is not going to do any harm to China. China is the dragon, india is just a rat in the gutter.
The times view written is really appreciable and is 101% true. The BRICS platform is only advantageous for China for countering US & Western Europe.
The fact is US is printing Dollars like there was no tommorrow and those debased devalued dollars are being used to buy cheap goods and services . In effect the USA is EXPORTING ITS INFLATION .
over last two years especially after global recession West has realised the importance of BRICS but the problem is that US will never want this entity to become something like European Union which will eventually hurt American Dollar in long run. Having India and China in the same Organisation is like a Dinner Hosted by Ahmed NIjad for Obama
过去两年多时间里,世界尤其是在遭受金融危机的西方国家意识到了金砖国家的重要性。但是,问题是美国从来都不想这个实体成为像欧盟那样在长时间里对美元有不利影响的集团。印度和中国在同一个组织就像Ahmed NIjad为奥巴马组织的一个晚宴。
KS Raghunatha
So, the fear of China dominating amongst the BRICS nations has put off even the idea of moving towards a common currency. Does it mean that India has all but given up becoming an Economic Super Power even by 2050, as projected only the other day ?
Single currency?? If one country collapse like greece...who has money to bail out ? none of them are germany or france..i would say all five countiries are competeing with each other and they are selfish....
European countries adopted single currency. There is positive & negatives for everything. But in the end it is always preferable to use our currency for trade rather than other currencies which are not part of the trade.
harjit shergill
I agree with The Times comment,BRICS met and agreed to dis agree thus lost an opportunity to look after there own economic interests.
all the countries of the world must have just 1 currency and that must be printed at Super Soverign ISLAND owned by the UN. Every country must have a quota as per their population to get currency distributed from this place.this will save lot of man hours wasted in currency trading.
For sure I believe India will back out from this idea under USA presuure and china phobia.
The BRICS Summit should focus to enhance their strategic ties and come to a conclusion so as not to monopolise a single country.India should concentrate on increasing the living standards of people with special concern for the ones who are BPL.
Dr Tarashankar Rudra
This is a great news. India must stop all imports from china that can be locally manufactured. Also, it must request USA, EU, Canada and Japan to invest in electronics, nuclear power, automotive and clothing sectors.
chinese reader
the key point is that if we want trade, best way is to pay by Chinese currency versus Indian currency instead of Chinese currency versus USA currency versus Indian currency. If we have fear on the currency, do not do trade at all. Trade or not trade is everyone's free choice. No one forces you to do trade.
indian aam admi
If Asia has to lead, BRICS has to become more stronger. Hope this organisation rather than be afraid of each other build confidence and TRADE.
Yitzak Shriman
Not a bad bargain for India. Pakistan, Somalia, Yeman and Sudan are forming an alliance too.
This will only help move China further. They have technology, money and above all discipline to be the top nation.
I don't know much about politics, but I do see that a lot of Indians are trying really hard to come to US, get jobs and settle down here. Don't get me wrong, but I am curious: are Indians so eager to settle down in China or Russia as well? And if not, why India, the world biggest democracy, wants to be in alliance with these totalitarian regimes in disguise?
Have you ever thought why you need to go to USA ? if you have the same economy and boom in your own country? India is the richest country in the world until 16th century which was looted for more than 3 centuries and now we are trying to catch up to those older days,simple!
Partha Sengupta
times view was not very far from truth but it was not really needed to be so pessimistic!! Any international agreement needs long time to come to even minor gain, especially when this group contain three and half democracies, led by "Political" class with their own compulsion.
Brics has so far been nothing but a catchy phrase under whose umbrella leaders from the five global powers meet for little more than photo opportunities
C Suresh
I love Ron Paul. He is the only sensible American president candidate made his views that American Dollar is still been viewed but US leadership is not worrying about its future. He also told time won't remain static. How true he is? Nothing wrong in Russia, China and India uniting and want to build their own empire.
If these countries dosent have a proper mutual respect how can they run a bank which can compete WB, IMF? America , west, Europe allways enjoying the advantages of doveloping nations non co operation. China is such a country don"t have any transperency and India is the most worst , corrupted. Brazil, Rusiia still learning the financial basics. If BRICS co ordinated well with one singe voice the world listen, US pee in their pants
Times view seems to have borrowed from NY times. No indepndent thinking. Does Times think we are not reading NYtimes?
Gurmail Gill
What nonsense. India was the one that actually first proposed the BRICS bank. Why would they propose it if they were "afraid" of China? It takes time to set up and they have started the process.