该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2008-5-28 23:45 只看TA 1楼 |
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[交流] 解決svchost.exe吃掉所有CPU資源的方法 一、首先檢查系統服務的狀態。1. 點「開始」–>「執行」,輸入「services.msc」後按「確定」。 2. 在服務「Automatic Updates」上點二下。 3. 點選「登入」頁籤,確定登入身分為「本機系統帳戶」且「允許服務與桌面互動」“沒有”被選取。 4. 確認服務已在目前的「硬體設定檔」中被啟用,如果沒有,按下「啟用」按鈕。 5. 點選「一般」頁籤,確定「啟動類型」為「自動」,然後按下「啟動」按鈕以啟動服務。 6. 對「Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) 」服務重覆2 ~ 5的步驟。 二、接著重新註冊Windwos Update的元件。 1. 點選「開始」–>「執行」。 2. 輸入「REGSVR32 WUAPI.DLL」後按Enter。 3. 當看到“DllRegisterServer 在WUAPI.DLL成功” 的訊息後按下「確定」。 4. 重覆上述步驟重新註冊下列元件 REGSVR32 WUAUENG.DLL REGSVR32 WUAUENG1.DLL REGSVR32 ATL.DLL REGSVR32 WUCLTUI.DLL REGSVR32 WUPS.DLL REGSVR32 WUPS2.DLL REGSVR32 WUWEB.DLL 三、最後更名可能已損壞了的Windows Update暫存目錄。 1. 點「開始」–>「執行」,輸入「cmd」後按「確定」。 2. 在命令提示字元中鍵入以下指令。(若出現錯誤訊息請先重開機後再報執行一次) net stop WuAuServ 2. 點「開始」–>「執行」,輸入「%windir%」後按「確定」。 3. 找到「SoftwareDistribution」並更名為「SDold」。 4. 點「開始」–>「執行」,輸入「cmd」後按「確定」,並在在命令提示字元中鍵入以下指令。 net start WuAuServ 四、大功告成! 以下是原文: 1. Click Start->Run, type "services.msc" (without quotation marks) in the open box and click OK. 2. Double click the service "Automatic Updates". 3. Click on the Log On tab, please ensure the option "Local System account" is selected and the option "Allow service to interact with desktop" is unchecked. 4. Check if this service has been enabled on the listed Hardware Profile. If not, please click the Enable button to enable it. 5. Click on the tab "General "; make sure the "Startup Type" is "Automatic". Then please click the button "Start" under "Service Status" to start the service. 6. Repeat the above steps with the other service: Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Step 4: Re-register Windows Update components and Clear the corrupted Windows Update temp folder 1. Click on Start and then click Run, 2. In the open field type "REGSVR32 WUAPI.DLL" (without quotation marks) and press Enter. 3. When you receive the "DllRegisterServer in WUAPI.DLL succeeded" message, click OK. 4. Please repeat these steps for each of the following commands: REGSVR32 WUAUENG.DLL REGSVR32 WUAUENG1.DLL REGSVR32 ATL.DLL REGSVR32 WUCLTUI.DLL REGSVR32 WUPS.DLL REGSVR32 WUPS2.DLL REGSVR32 WUWEB.DLL After the above steps are finished. Sicne temporary folder of Windows Update may be corrupted. We can refer to the following steps to rename this folder that 1. Click Start, Run, type: cmd and press Enter. Please run the following command in the opened window. net stop WuAuServ (note, you might need to reboot before the net stop command will work) 2. Click Start, Run, type: %windir% and press Enter. 3. In the opened folder, rename the folder SoftwareDistribution to SDold. 4. Click Start, Run, type: cmd and press Enter. Please run the following command in the opened window. net start WuAuServ You are done! |
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wobenpingfan 发表于 2008-5-29 15:22 只看TA 8楼 |
学习一下,但看起来很烦琐,有点不敢动,不过还得支持下楼主! |
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