《当约翰尼迈步回家时》("When Johnny Comes Marching Home"),有时亦称为《当约翰尼再次迈步回家时》,是一首美国内战时人们表达渴望他们在战场上的亲戚朋友早日回家的歌曲。
这首歌的旋律是以一首爱尔兰的反战歌曲——《Jonny I Hardly Knew Ye》——为主[1]。同样使用这个旋律的歌有儿童歌曲《蚂蚁一个接一个的前进》("The Ants Go Marching One By One")以及《动物们成双成对的进去》("The Animals Went in Two by Two")。此歌的歌词是由爱尔兰裔美国人派崔克·吉尔摩(Patrick Gilmore)所写的,他的歌词完全与原本的反战歌词相反。在原本的反战歌曲中,约翰尼回家时眼睛是瞎的、双脚是瘸的,而且他是回到一个他当初为了参加战争而狠心抛弃的女人身边。
When Johnny comes marching home again,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give him a hearty welcome then
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The men will cheer and the boys will shout
The ladies they will all turn out
And we'll all feel gay,
When Johnny comes marching home.
The old church bell will peal with joy
Hurrah! Hurrah!
To welcome home our darling boy
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The village lads and lassies say
With roses they will strew the way,
And we'll all feel gay
When Johnny comes marching home.
Get ready for the Jubilee,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give the hero three times three,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The laurel wreath is ready now
To place upon his loyal brow
And we'll all feel gay
When Johnny comes marching home.
Let love and friendship on that day,
Hurrah, hurrah!
Their choicest treasures then display,
Hurrah, hurrah!
And let each one perform some part,
To fill with joy the warrior's heart,
And we'll all feel gay 作者: zhushuaish 时间: 2010-8-8 00:31
不错,很好听的一首歌,听着很有感觉,thank you 作者: paladinuo 时间: 2010-8-8 07:30